
LVISSAA City Championships 2024

Start time
Place 1
Place 2
Place 3
Place 4
Place 5
Place 6
Place 7
Mostly Novice 8+
4:50 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 1
St. Michaels University School
St. Andrews Regional High School
Reynolds Secondary
St. Andrews Regional High School 2
Oak Bay High School
4:40 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 1
Claremont Secondary School
Claremont Secondary School 2
St. Michaels University School
Claremont Secondary School 3
Claremont Secondary School 4
4:30 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 2
Parkland Secondary
Glenlyon Norfolk School
Oak Bay High School
St. Andrews Regional High School
Spectrum Community School
Mostly Novice 8+
4:20 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 2
Pacific Christian School
Mt. Douglas Secondary
St. Michaels University School 2
Stelly's Secondary School
4:10 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 3
Mt. Douglas Secondary
Claremont Secondary School 5
Stelly's Secondary School
St. Michaels University School 2
Claremont Secondary School 6
4:00 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 4
Parkland Secondary 2
Oak Bay High School 2
St. Michaels University School 3
Reynolds Secondary
Claremont Secondary School 8
Mostly Novice 8+
3:50 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 3
Parkland Secondary
Claremont Secondary School
Victoria High School
St. Michaels University School 3
3:40 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 5
Spectrum Community School 2
Parkland Secondary 3
Claremont Secondary School 7
St. Margaret's School
Spectrum Community School 3
3:30 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 6
Glenlyon Norfolk School 2
Esquimalt High School
Parkland Secondary 4
St. Margaret's School 2
Mostly Novice 8+
3:20 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 4
Oak Bay High School 2
Lambrick Park Secondary
Glenlyon Norfolk School
3:10 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 7
Reynolds Secondary 2
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2
Glenlyon Norfolk School 3
St. Andrews Regional High School 2
3:00 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 8
Esquimalt High School 2
Lambrick Park Secondary
St. Margaret's School 3
Lambrick Park Secondary 2
Mostly Novice 8+
2:50 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 1
to final
St. Michaels University School
St. Andrews Regional High School
Oak Bay High School
Pacific Christian School
Mt. Douglas Secondary
1:40 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 1
St. Andrews Regional High School
Stelly's Secondary School
Mt. Douglas Secondary
St. Michaels University School
Stelly's Secondary School 2
1:30 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 1
to final
Claremont Secondary School *
next: 98 F1 L4
Claremont Secondary School 2*
next: 98 F1 L3
Claremont Secondary School 3*
next: 98 F1 L5
Parkland Secondary *
next: 97 F2 L4
Glenlyon Norfolk School *
next: 97 F2 L3
Mostly Novice 8+
1:20 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 2
to final
St. Andrews Regional High School 2
Reynolds Secondary
Claremont Secondary School
Parkland Secondary
1:10 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 2
Esquimalt High School 2
Esquimalt High School
St. Michaels University School 2
Stelly's Secondary School 3
Ecole Victor-Brodeur
1:00 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 2
to final
St. Michaels University School *
next: 98 F1 L2
Claremont Secondary School 4*
next: 98 F1 L6
Oak Bay High School *
next: 97 F2 L5
Mt. Douglas Secondary *
next: 95 F3 L4
Claremont Secondary School 5*
next: 95 F3 L3
Mostly Novice 8+
12:50 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 3
to final
St. Michaels University School 2
Stelly's Secondary School
Oak Bay High School 2
Lambrick Park Secondary
12:40 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 3
Claremont Secondary School 2
Claremont Secondary School
Glenlyon Norfolk School
Oak Bay High School
St. Andrews Regional High School 2
12:30 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 3
to final
St. Andrews Regional High School *
next: 97 F2 L2
Spectrum Community School *
next: 97 F2 L6
St. Michaels University School 2*
next: 95 F3 L5
Parkland Secondary 2*
next: 94 F4 L4
Oak Bay High School 2*
next: 94 F4 L3
Mostly Novice 8+
12:20 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 4
to final
St. Michaels University School 3
Victoria High School
Glenlyon Norfolk School
12:10 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Final 4
Claremont Secondary School 3
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2
Oak Bay High School 2
12:00 pm, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 1
to final
St. Andrews Regional High School *
next: 86 F1 L3
Mt. Douglas Secondary *
next: 86 F1 L2
St. Michaels University School *
next: 86 F1 L4
Esquimalt High School *
next: 83 F2 L3
Ecole Victor-Brodeur *
next: 83 F2 L2
11:50 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 4
to final
Claremont Secondary School 6*
next: 95 F3 L2
Stelly's Secondary School *
next: 95 F3 L6
Claremont Secondary School 8*
next: 94 F4 L5
Parkland Secondary 3*
next: 92 F5 L4
Spectrum Community School 2*
next: 92 F5 L3
11:40 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 2
to final
Stelly's Secondary School *
next: 86 F1 L1
Stelly's Secondary School 2*
next: 86 F1 L5
St. Michaels University School 2*
next: 83 F2 L4
Glenlyon Norfolk School *
next: 80 F3 L3
Oak Bay High School *
next: 80 F3 L2
11:30 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 5
to final
St. Michaels University School 3*
next: 94 F4 L2
Reynolds Secondary *
next: 94 F4 L6
Claremont Secondary School 7*
next: 92 F5 L5
Glenlyon Norfolk School 2*
next: 91 F6 L4
Esquimalt High School *
next: 91 F6 L3
11:20 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 6
to final
St. Margaret's School *
next: 92 F5 L2
Spectrum Community School 3*
next: 92 F5 L6
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2*
next: 89 F7 L4
Reynolds Secondary 2*
next: 89 F7 L3
11:10 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 3
to final
Esquimalt High School 2*
next: 83 F2 L1
Stelly's Secondary School 3*
next: 83 F2 L5
St. Andrews Regional High School 2*
next: 80 F3 L4
Oak Bay High School 2*
next: 77 F4 L3
11:00 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 7
to final
St. Margaret's School 2*
next: 91 F6 L5
Parkland Secondary 4*
next: 91 F6 L2
Esquimalt High School 2*
next: 88 F8 L4
Lambrick Park Secondary *
next: 88 F8 L3
10:50 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 8
to final
Glenlyon Norfolk School 3*
next: 89 F7 L5
St. Andrews Regional High School 2*
next: 89 F7 L2
Lambrick Park Secondary 2*
next: 88 F8 L5
St. Margaret's School 3*
next: 88 F8 L2
10:40 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Semifinal 4
to final
Claremont Secondary School 2*
next: 80 F3 L1
Claremont Secondary School *
next: 80 F3 L5
Claremont Secondary School 3*
next: 77 F4 L4
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2*
next: 77 F4 L1
Mostly Novice 8+
10:30 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 1
St. Michaels University School
St. Andrews Regional High School
Pacific Christian School
Reynolds Secondary
Claremont Secondary School
10:20 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 1
Claremont Secondary School *
next: 85 S1 L4
Claremont Secondary School 2*
next: 85 S1 L3
Claremont Secondary School 3*
next: 85 S1 L5
St. Michaels University School *
next: 82 S2 L4
Claremont Secondary School 4*
next: 82 S2 L3
10:10 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 2
Parkland Secondary *
next: 85 S1 L2
Glenlyon Norfolk School *
next: 85 S1 L6
Mt. Douglas Secondary *
next: 82 S2 L5
St. Andrews Regional High School *
next: 79 S3 L4
St. Michaels University School 2*
next: 79 S3 L3
Stelly's Secondary School *
next: 75 S4 L3
Mostly Novice 8+
10:00 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 2
Mt. Douglas Secondary
Oak Bay High School
St. Michaels University School 2
Lambrick Park Secondary
9:50 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 3
Oak Bay High School *
next: 82 S2 L2
Claremont Secondary School 5*
next: 82 S2 L6
Parkland Secondary 2*
next: 79 S3 L5
Claremont Secondary School 6*
next: 75 S4 L4
9:40 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 1
St. Andrews Regional High School *
next: 76 S1 L3
Mt. Douglas Secondary *
next: 76 S1 L2
St. Michaels University School *
next: 76 S1 L4
St. Michaels University School 2*
next: 74 S2 L3
Glenlyon Norfolk School *
next: 74 S2 L2
Mostly Novice 8+
9:30 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 3
St. Andrews Regional High School 2
Parkland Secondary
St. Michaels University School 3
Glenlyon Norfolk School
9:20 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 4
Spectrum Community School *
next: 79 S3 L2
Oak Bay High School 2*
next: 79 S3 L6
Claremont Secondary School 8*
next: 75 S4 L5
Reynolds Secondary *
next: 73 S5 L4
Claremont Secondary School 7*
next: 73 S5 L3
9:10 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 2
Esquimalt High School *
next: 76 S1 L1
Ecole Victor-Brodeur *
next: 76 S1 L5
Oak Bay High School *
next: 74 S2 L4
Oak Bay High School 2*
next: 71 S3 L3
Mostly Novice 8+
9:00 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 4
Oak Bay High School 2
Stelly's Secondary School
Victoria High School
Reynolds Secondary 2
8:50 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 5
Parkland Secondary 3*
next: 75 S4 L2
Spectrum Community School 2*
next: 75 S4 L6
Glenlyon Norfolk School 2*
next: 73 S5 L5
Reynolds Secondary 2*
next: 72 S6 L4
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2*
next: 72 S6 L3
8:40 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 3
Stelly's Secondary School *
next: 74 S2 L1
Stelly's Secondary School 2*
next: 74 S2 L5
Esquimalt High School 2*
next: 71 S3 L4
Claremont Secondary School *
next: 68 S4 L3
Mt. Douglas Secondary 2*
next: 68 S4 L2
8:30 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 6
St. Michaels University School 3*
next: 73 S5 L2
Esquimalt High School *
next: 73 S5 L6
Lambrick Park Secondary *
next: 70 S7 L4
Esquimalt High School 2*
next: 70 S7 L3
8:20 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 7
St. Margaret's School *
next: 72 S6 L5
Spectrum Community School 3*
next: 72 S6 L2
Glenlyon Norfolk School 3*
next: 69 S8 L4
St. Andrews Regional High School 2*
next: 69 S8 L3
8:10 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 4
Stelly's Secondary School 3*
next: 71 S3 L1
St. Andrews Regional High School 2*
next: 71 S3 L5
8:00 am, 20 Oct 2024, PDT
Heat 8
Parkland Secondary 4*
next: 70 S7 L5
St. Margaret's School 2*
next: 70 S7 L2
St. Margaret's School 3*
next: 69 S8 L5
Lambrick Park Secondary 2*
next: 69 S8 L2
If appropriate, the next race for a crew is shown as race number, race type, lane number.