RDS list athletes club.php

From Regattadata
Revision as of 05:00, 14 September 2011 by Richardcurry (talk | contribs)

This page will display a listing of the athletes presently listed in a club.

If your club is set up to track RADAR scores, this page will calculate an approximate RADAR score for each athlete based on their most recent set of test results.

Adding athletes

Athletes can be added using the Add athletes section at the bottom of the page.

Enter the first name, last name and date of birth (these are the required fields for this page). You can enter an email address if you plan on taking advantage of the club email functionality. You may set the novice status of athletes at this time by checking the Novice? checkbox.

An athlete can only be registered with one club and one school at a time.

Novice athletes

You may indicate that athletes are novice by selecting the checkbox in the Select column at the end of the row, then pressing the button labelled Set selected athletes as novice. Once athletes are listed as Novice, this status can be removed by selecting the (remove) checkbox that appears in the Novice column, then pressing the button labelled Set selected athletes as novice.

Removing athletes

You may remove athletes from your club list by selecting the checkbox in the Select column at the end of the row, then pressing the button labelled Remove selected athletes.

Groups with access