RDS import rca xls.php

From Regattadata

This page allows Canadian clubs (members of Rowing Canada Aviron) to import data files from RCA's webreg into the RDS.

  • Click on the Choose file button. Navigate to the OrganizationCategoryMembers.xls file that you downloaded from RCA's WRS and select it. Leave the Import into this club box checked. If you edited the file in Excel, please save it as a comma-separated values file (.csv), then Choose that.
  • Click on the Process File button.
  • The RDS compares the athletes listed in the RCA file against those in the RDS. It uses name, date of birth and RCA number to match athletes. Please scroll through the list of athletes to see whether it is making appropriate suggestions for athletes it may already have. Select the appropriate radio button if RDS has guessed wrong. If you have more than 50 athletes in your export, it may attempt to process in batches.
  • If there are changes that need to be made, press the Add and update into my club button.